5 Ways Gutters Save You Money

5 Ways Gutters Save You Money

When people think of gutter cleaning or replacement, they often view it in terms of how much money it will cost them to do it. But they don’t realize the potential cost savings that well-maintained gutters provide for a homeowner. Here are six examples of how gutters actually save you money.

Foundation repair. This is the mother-of-all repair costs that a homeowner wants to avoid. Without a properly-working gutter, rainwater tumbles down to the base of the home near the foundation. Over time, the excessive moisture can cause the foundation to buckle, crack, or shift. Foundation repair bills rarely come in under $5,000 and can run as high is $40,000 – and it’s nearly impossible to sell a house that has a compromised foundation.

Flooded basements. If that runoff water collects near your basement, it tends to find a way inside through wall spaces or windows (path of least resistance). Then it can start doing some real damage – to your basement walls, ceilings, flooring, furniture, and appliances. Those costs could run as high as $10,000 – after you shell out up to $5,000 to have the standing water pumped out and your basement dried out.

Flooded landscaping. That beautifully-ornate landscaping near your home? It can dissolve or be washed away if enough runoff water is permitted to fall into it. If you pay a landscaping service to repair it, you’re looking at a bill that could run up to $7,000 in some cases. But no amount of money will replace the hard work and sweat that you spent getting the landscaping just the way you wanted it.

Exterior damage. If your gutters are either clogged or leaking, the water may start to seep out of them and into your home’s exterior. That could lead to rotting fascia boards and siding, as well as peeling or chipping paint. To fix these problems, you’ll need to replace the decaying wood and/or repaint areas of your home – which could cost you as much as $5,000.

Mold and mildew. Water that is misdirected may not stop at your home’s exterior. If moisture penetrates your roofline or your basement, it could seep into your ceilings, attic, or crawl spaces and facilitate the growth of mildew and mold. It only takes several days for these toxic substances to form, and it’ll cost up to $3,000 to eradicate this health hazard.

As you can see, installing and maintaining gutters is actually a valuable investment on your home or business.  If you are in need of new gutters, gutter cleaning or gutter repair, give Gutter Boyz of Kentucky a call today at 270-906-3055 for a FREE quote or CLICK HERE to send us a message.

Three Reasons Your Steel Building Needs Gutters

Three Reasons Your Steel Building Needs Gutters

There are a multitude of reasons why gutters are important to the longevity of your steel or metal building. Here are three of the top contenders:

You Will Save a Ton of Money. Let’s just start right out with the big guns. Money is always a top priority. In fact, it’s often the reason why people skip the gutters in the first place. One less thing to pay for, right? We assure you, however, the relatively minor investment of gutters will pay for itself over and over again in terms of the maintenance nightmares gutters will prevent throughout your building’s lifetime.

Installing gutters may be one of the most cost-effective things you can do to protect your building in the long run. By now, you are probably aware that steel and metal are two of the most durable building materials out there. Their weakness, however, is moisture. Once a protective coating is penetrated, you run the risk of rust and corrosion that will quickly compromise your building’s structural integrity.

Once the building’s structural integrity is compromised, the dollar signs start mounting. Leaks have to be repaired, whole sections of foundation, wall panels and/or framing materials may need to be replaced. Interior possessions and finishes may need to be repaired or replaced, and you will have to re-coat the compromised exterior components more often than you ever would have if a good water drainage system had been implemented.

Prevent Widespread Moisture Damage. Yes, steel and metal buildings can be built with incredibly durable coatings. However, rainwater and snow melt are often laden with environmental toxins that react with the protective coatings, no matter how tough they are, and this will eventually lead to their breakdown and the infiltration of moisture. Installing gutters and downspouts will keep this water moving down and away from your building it never has a chance to do any damage.

Your building isn’t the only thing that can be compromised by moisture. When water isn’t directed where you want it to go, it chooses the path it wants to take. That path often leads to oversaturated soil around your building’s foundation. In addition to compromising your foundation, this water can flood your home or business. It is also more apt to cause erosion, which destroys landscaping and leads to sediment and debris that clog storm drains and can destroy the local environment.

Physical Comfort. Finally, there is an immediately impactful reason to install gutters: they prevent your building from turning into a Niagara Falls attraction. Kids may think it’s fun to run in and out of the sheets of water that pour from your roof line and down to the ground below, odds are you and your customers will not. These sheets of water can last for days or weeks depending on the climate in your area. They make entrance and egress to and from your building a nightmare.

The resulting water from these downpours will flood your home or business’s entrance, making it difficult or impossible to navigate. If your business has hard surface flooring, a lack of gutters will create more water on your interior floor surfaces, which puts you, employees and customers at greater risk for slip and fall accidents. Gutters are a one-stop solution to this, diverting the water from even a mild rain storm away from building entrances where runoff is never a nuisance.

“But, wait,” you say. “We designed a nifty roof line that carries moisture runoff onto the side of the building and into channels/drains/perfectly sloped grading that directs it elsewhere…”

While we commend your ingenuity and thoughtfulness to future water runoff, these solutions aren’t enough. Odds are, there is still too much water penetrating the ground directly adjacent to your building and this is bad news for your foundation and your steel building components. Are you prepared to maintain the “perfect” slope and drainage required to divert the water where it needs to go? Can you control the work neighboring developers or builders do on lots adjacent to you? While these types of water shedding systems are effective in theory, they cannot compete with a well-built gutter system.

Have questions about the gutters required for your metal building? Give Gutter Boyz of Kentucky with offices in Paducah and Benton, KY a call today at (270) 906-3055  or CLICK HERE to send us a message.

Get Ready For Spring With New Gutters

Get Ready For Spring With New Gutters

You have heard the saying before, “April showers bring May flowers.” Rain showers are inevitable. If you want to prepare for all of the spring showers, gutters should be at the top of your list.

Your home should have a good gutter system as a way of dealing with the water as it comes down.

Why Do Gutters Matter?
There are a lot of benefits to having gutters installed on your home. You will be able to avoid foundation problems because of guiding the water away from the home. It will also keep the soil around your home stabilized. As such, you can also prevent flooding under the house as well as in a basement.

If you have ever noticed water damage to the side of your home, this can be prevented with gutter installation as well. You will also be able to reduce water staining on brick and stone masonry and prevent cracks in sidewalks, patios, and driveways. Additionally, garage doors and exterior doors can be preserved more effectively.

Get Gutters Installed
Properly installed gutters from Gutter Boyz of Kentucky ,will ensure you have a system to deal with rainfall based on the shape of your home as well as how water runs based on the pitch of the roof and the slope of your land. Seamless gutters will be on the edge of every sloped roof.

The downspouts will terminate away from the foundation of your home. Typically, there will be at least a three-foot diversion from your home. It will ensure that the water flows away from your home as well as landscaping so you don’t have to deal with puddles and ponding.

Gutter Maintenance
It is important to understand that there will be some gutter maintenance to be done on your part. You will want to keep them clean so that they remain in working order. Leaves, weeds, grass, and more can accumulate in your gutters.

By cleaning them out, you can avoid water damming, leaks, mosquitoes breeding in the area, and eventual failure of the gutters. Since you want your gutters to last a long time and do their intended job, you simply have to keep them clean or hire a gutter cleaning service like Gutter Boyz of Kentucky to come out once or twice a year.

The next time it rains, you don’t have to be frustrated that you have a leak in your basement or that your mulch has gotten washed away yet again. Sheets of rain shouldn’t come off of your roof by any of your doors, either. Gutters will make it much more bearable to deal with the rain. Plus, it will be a great maintenance tool to keep your home safe from such things as floods, mold, stagnant water, and issues with your foundation. You might be surprised by just what an impact gutters can make on your home.

For more information or for a FREE ESTIMATE, give us a call at (270) 906-3055 or CLICK HERE to contact us!

Install Gutter Guards To Save Time and Money

Install Gutter Guards To Save Time and Money


If your home is near a lot of trees, you know the frustration of leaves clogging your gutters. Homes in wooded areas need to have their gutters cleaned out at least once a year to ensure safe operation. With professionally installed gutter guards, you’ll be able to keep your gutters clear of leaves and other debris all year round. Gutter cleaning takes valuable time and is not always safe to do on your own. You will also avoid having to hire a company like ours to clean your gutters year after year. Call Gutter Boyz of Kentucky to have us install gutter guards that require minimal maintenance instead.


You should inspect and clean your gutters regularly, so you don’t get caught with a serious issue like a damaged foundation. When your gutters are protected, your home is protected. Even better, you won’t have to climb up a ladder trying to clear a path before a storm. Knowing that your gutters are free to usher water away from your property will give you the peace of mind that they will work properly when you need them.


Gutters are often a forgotten part of the home until it’s too late. When you install gutters from Gutter Boyz of Kentucky on your home, you won’t have to worry about a buildup of leaves, sticks, and other debris blocking and weighing down your gutter system. Allowing objects to fall off the roof will let your roof and gutters do what they are designed to do. When everything is working properly you won’t need to constantly look for obstructions.

For more information on gutter guards or for a FREE ESTIMATE, give Gutter Boyz of Kentucky a call today at (270) 906-3055 or CLICK HERE to contact us.

Repair Your Gutters Before Spring

Repair Your Gutters Before Spring

We have had a lot of rain, sleet and snow in Western Kentucky lately. You may have noticed that your gutters are leaking or have damage of some kind.

High winds, snow and ice, clogged gutters, or even pests like birds cause damages to your gutter system that requires gutter repair. The number one cause of all gutter repair issues is what we call gutter neglect.

Neglecting your gutters is when you forget about your gutters for a couple seasons or years and they become filled with debris all over. Once the downspouts become clogged the water can no longer drain properly. This is where almost all gutter related problems occur. When the gutters fill with water or wet debris and water they become very heavy. The weight puts a huge burden on the hardware and the fascia board. The result is gutters pull themselves from the wall.

If you have noticed that your gutters need repairs, do put it off. Get your gutters in good shape before springs heavy rains arrive, The gutter pros at Gutter Boyz of Kentucky are ready to help. Whether you need new gutters, gutter repairs, gutter cleaning or gutter guards, give Gutterz Boyz of Kentucky a call today at (270) 906-3055 or CLICK HERE to contact us today!

When Will You Need New Gutters?

When Will You Need New Gutters?

When will you need a gutter replacement? This depends on several factors.

Estimated Lifespan

Galvanized steel and aluminum gutters, the most common type of gutters, have an average lifespan of 20 years, while copper gutters, a more high-end option, can last up to 50 years. You should keep a detailed record of gutter inspections, maintenance and repair, as this will help you determine when it’s time to plan for gutter replacement.

Frequency of Maintenance

Keep in mind the estimated lifespan of a gutter system can be drastically reduced by improper or irregular maintenance. Regardless of how durable a gutter system is, it needs to be cleaned regularly.

Gutter Guards

Unfortunately, not a lot of homeowners have the time for tedious but essential tasks like gutter cleaning. One way of reducing your gutter’s maintenance requirements is by installing gutter covers. These devices help prevent leaves and other kinds of organic debris from entering and clogging your gutters.


Climate is another factor that can affect your gutters’ lifespan. For instance, cold climates can be harsh on your exterior, and your gutters are no exception. Of the numerous problems homes in cold climates face, ice dams can be one of the most problematic. That’s because ice deposited near the edges of your roof and gutters prevent snowmelt from draining, causing water to back up and possibly make its way under the shingles.

If you live in Western Kentucky and are in need of new gutters, gutter repair, gutter cleaning or gutter guards, Gutter Boyz of Kentucky can help. Give us a call today at (270) 906-3055 for a FREE QUOTE or CLICK HERE to contact us!

How Ice Impacts Your Gutters

How Ice Impacts Your Gutters

Every winter, when the temperatures drop and cold weather rolls in, we get questions from homeowners about how to protect their gutter systems from winter weather and ice.

Questions like “What will the winter weather do to my gutters?” and “Can my gutter system survive an ice storm?” are not unusual to hear.

The fact is, ice does indeed impact your gutters if you aren’t prepared. The good news? There are steps you can take to mitigate and prevent the damage.

Let’s take a look at how ice can damage your gutters and how you can protect them with some preventative maintenance.

Ice Can Result in Downspout Blockages

With each new round of winter precipitation (and the freeze that usually follows), more ice builds up in your downspouts. This ice buildup causes clogs. When this happens, your downspouts can’t do what they were designed for – to help get water off of your roof and away from your home. When ice blockages build up, it can damage or even ruin your gutter system.

Blockages Can Cause Ice Dams to Form

When your gutters and downspouts build up ice (causing blockages), ice dams can eventually form. Ice dams are essentially big slabs of ice that form along your roofline. When these slabs melt, water can leak under your roofline, which can cause your shingles to peel. Ice dams are also known to form in gutter systems.

Icicles – Great for the Gram, Not for Your Gutters

Icicles look great in your winter photos on Instagram, but they can be quite harmful to your gutter system. When icicles form, they often hang off your gutters, pulling them away from your home. Icicles that hang for extended periods can lead to your gutters working improperly and can even damage your home.

How to Prevent Ice Damage This Winter

Clean Your Gutters

Cleaning your gutters is absolutely the best way to protect your gutters and your home from winter storm damage. If you don’t have the time or you don’t want to take the risk that comes with falling off a ladder, give Gutter Boyz of Kentucky a call. Our professionals are trained to clean gutters and remove the debris is a safe manner.

Remove Limbs

While you’re cleaning out the clogs in your gutter system, you might as well go ahead and remove any limbs that are hanging close to your roof or gutters. When ice collects on these branches, they can snap and damage your roof and gutters.

Gutter Installation and Maintenance Done Right

Preventative maintenance can pay dividends when winter weather comes around. With that said, it’s not always feasible for homeowners to climb up on their roof or even make the time to start removing clogs. Some homeowners have gutters in such disrepair that they just ignore it and don’t worry about ice damage.

That’s where Gutter Boyz of Kentucky – with a team of hardworking gutter technicians, we have the passion and the experience to take care of all of your gutter installation and maintenance needs. From simple quotes to large-scale gutter installation jobs, we’ve got you covered. For more information or to receive a FREE QUOTE, give us a call today at 270-906-3055.

Five Gutter Tips From The Pros

Five Gutter Tips From The Pros

Gutters are probably one of the things in your home that you don’t think about until something goes wrong with them. You can’t just disregard it because it can cause long term annoyance and inconvenience if left unfixed. Some of the most common problems it could cause are overflowing and leaking around the house. If you leave them to neglect it, it can soon cause severe water damage in your house. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to prevent major damage. Here are five tips from the pros at Gutter Boyz of Kentucky.

  1. Always be on the lookout.
    Always be on the lookout if there is something wrong in your gutter. Check out for signs of a leak in the drainage system or places where water has pooled. This is the first step and the one thing you must do even if your gutter is fine. Check your gutters every now and then so you will be aware if you have to do any repairs anytime soon. This will also help you assess if you can do it yourself or if it is time to contact gutter repair services.
  2. Wash your gutters
    Washing your gutters every now and then goes a long way. You don’t have to do it regularly, but after doing your inspection and you see the need to clean it, go ahead and clean the gutters.
  3. Patch small holes
    If your gutters are leaking and there are small holes in it, you may be able to repair them. For smaller holes, you can apply roofing cement using a putty knife directly.
  4. Change old gutters to aluminum
    If your gutters are very old, chances are, they are old models that are susceptible to rust. Consider changing them to aluminum as aluminum gutters do not rust. The pros at Gutter Boyz of Kentucky will be happy to give you a FREE ESTIMATE if you have the need.
  5. Clean out everything around the gutter
    Clean out any dirt and decomposed leaves around the gutter. Leaves may look harmless but if it is left out stuck in the gutters, it could decompose and would build up to that much-dreaded compost. Eventually, these stuck decomposed leaves can cause clogging and drainage will no longer work properly. So to avoid any of these to happen in the future, clean out everything that could cause any clogging to the gutters.

Whether you need to have your gutters repaired, new gutter installation, gutter cleaning or gutter guards, Gutter Boyz of Kentucky is ready to help. We serve a majority of Western Kentucky including Paducah, Murray, Mayfield, Benton and all of the surrounding counties. Feel free to give us a call for a FREE ESTIMATE at (270) 906-3055 or CLICK HERE to contact us!

Don’t Forget About Your Gutters During Winter

Don’t Forget About Your Gutters During Winter

Getting your home ready for winter weather can be an exhaustive process. If you haven’t prepared for the winter months already, you need to think about your gutters as we move into the coldest winter months. That’s right; your gutters play an essential role in protecting your home over the winter months. However, if they aren’t cleaned and protected, you risk harming your roof and walls with water damage.

How Cold Weather Affects Un-Prepared Gutters

Ideally, if you’re reading this blog, you’re already considering what to do with your gutters before now. However, if you’re still unsure about how cold weather can affect your gutters, here are a few examples of the potential problems you may face.

  • Ice Dams – The biggest issue you’ll find with gutters in freezing temperatures is the potential for ice dams. Often, ice dams will occur if there are blockages in your gutters that allow water to pool. This standing water will freeze, causing a further blockage. Furthermore, as these ice dams melt, they can slowly begin to seep under your roofline.
  • Damaged Downspouts – Again, related to blockages and ice dams, you might find your downspouts to be taking on more damage. As downspouts are entirely enclosed, freezing water will expand and place pressure on the inside. This pressure will often lead to bending and cracking of the material, compromising your downspout.
  • Sagging Gutters – Sections of gutters already stressed from years of use can be pushed beyond their limit with the presence of ice. And the more your gutter begins to sag, the more water, snow and ice is likely to settle in the dip. Such pressure can cause the gutter to fall after a while, sometimes bringing soffit and fascia boards with it.

All these issues, separate or combined, cause your gutter system to no longer be as efficient as it should be. And when gutters can’t carry water away from your roof and the base of your home, you risk severe water damage to parts of your house, fairly costly to repair or replace.

What Can Be Done to Protect Your Gutters?

Thankfully, there’s still time to ensure your gutters are ready. And to make sure everything is done right, it’s best to hire a professional like Gutter Boyz of Kentucky to assist with your gutter system.

  • Clean Your Gutters – While we always suggest a professional gutter cleaning is the safest and the best gutter cleaning, this is one of the few preparations you can do by yourself. Ensuring your gutters are free of leaves, dirt and other debris helps prevent ice dams once freezing temperatures hit.
  • Address Weak Spots – If you know your gutters are dented or bending in certain areas, these issues should be addressed ASAP. Sometimes all it takes is a simple realignment to make sure your gutters can withstand pressure from ice and snow. Otherwise, you might need pieces of your gutter replaced ahead of time.
  • Replace Rotting Wood – Even if your gutters are straight and unblemished, they can easily collapse if they’re attached to rotting soffit or fascia. And melting snow and ice are only going to make matters worse. So, if you’re not sure your fascia boards and soffit will last the season, let a contractor swap them out.
  • Get Gutter Guards – Rather than letting debris continue to fall into your gutters, increasing the likelihood of ice dams, have gutter guards installed for your home. While gutter guards won’t keep ice and snow out, they can prevent your gutters from getting clogged up from everything else. And the best part is, gutter guards are excellent for use all year long.

Help from the Experts

While there’s plenty that can be done to prepare your gutters for winter, much of it must be handled by gutter professionals like Gutter Boyz of Kentucky. Whether you are in need of gutter cleaning, gutter guards, gutter repair or new gutter installation, Gutter Boyz of Kentucky can help. We serve a majority of western Kentucky. Give us a call today at (270) 906-3055 for a FREE ESTIMATE!

When Will You Need New Gutters?

What Could Happen If You Don’t Clean Your Gutters

You probably think that everyone knows the importance of cleaning your gutters at least twice a year. You would be surprised at how many people don’t take the time to clean out their gutters. Below are a few of the problems we see on a regular basis from people who don’t realize how important their gutter system is to their home:

  • Foundation problems: If you have a 2,000-square-foot home, every inch of rain translates to more than 1,200 gallons of water pouring down your roof! A properly functioning gutter will carry that water through a downspout and away from your home. But a clogged gutter does the opposite—allowing water to spill over the sides and pour down your walls. Pooling water around your foundation can cause erosion which weakens the walls, leading to foundation cracks and settling. 
  • Broken gutters: When your gutters are clogged, the water they collect has no place to go. Instead, it fills your gutters to the brim. With each gallon of water weighing about 8 pounds, all that extra weight can bend your gutters or tear them away from the roof.
  • Wall and ceiling damage: Clogged gutters can also cause water leaks on the inside of your home. Trapped water can rot the wooden fascia boards your gutters are mounted to, letting moisture enter your home. And in the winter months, ice dams can drive snow melt underneath your shingles.
  • Wet basement: If your basement isn’t waterproofed, the water pouring down your foundation can lead to a damp basement. This is caused by water seeping through your basement’s porous walls and floor.
  • Insect infestations: Nobody likes mosquitos in their backyard. But pooling water in your gutters can be the perfect breeding ground for them. Damp mud and leaves can also be an inviting place for bees and wasps to build their nests.

Don’t ignore your gutters. Gutter Boyz of Kentucky can help prevent a wide range of problems you are risking to you home. Whether you need new gutters, gutter repair, gutter cleaning or gutter guards, Gutter Boyz of KY is your one-stop shop for all things gutter related. Gutter Boyz of Kentucky serves a majority of Western Kentucky. Give us a call today for a free estimate at (270) 906-3055 or CLICK HERE to contact us.

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